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Additional Information:(All that applies)

THE DEPOSIT IS DUE WITHIN 5 DAYS OF BOOKING THE EVENT OR THE RESERVATION MAY BE CANCELLED!!!  If you have not received a confirmation email that I received it….please contact me asap!

1.  PLEASE RESERVE PARKING for my truck and trailer close to the event site so we can offload the ponies/animals quickly and safely. This needs to be at least 3 long car lengths.  I need to be able to park straight - I can't park in a curve as I can't open my tail gate to unload the animals.  IF YOU DON'T RESERVE IT AND I HAVE TO FIND PARKING IT WILL CUT IN TO YOUR TIME!

2.  The Balance due is Payable in CASH ONLY!  (deposits can be paid by cash, check, or Zelle)

3.  FOR THE PONIES:  The ponies are for kids - they carry weights of up to 50lbs and up to 75lbs only. We are strict on this as this is what my saddle seat belts are rated for & if you aren't sure I have a scale. Ponies do best if they walk on cement or blacktop (sidewalks, streets, driveways.)  Grass is not ideal as it's not very even for their hooves plus they just want to eat it and not work!  But if that's all you have, then we'll make it work.  Please keep area for ponies clear of balloons or flying/flapping decorations.  It scares the ponies!  AREA FOR PONIES MUST BE FLAT!!!   ***IF you are only having 1 pony, we bring the bigger Red pony that carries up to 75lbs. *** The White pony only works with the Red pony - she will not work alone! NOTE:  Regarding Pool Parties – no wet bottoms allowed on the ponies please!  Leather saddles cannot get wet! ***PONIES DO NOT WORK AT NIGHT!!!

4.  FOR THE PONIES:  I can decorate the ponies if you want to match your party theme.  I don't paint the ponies - just things that can be put on and taken off simply. (Like western bandanas, tiaras, flowers, etc.) If you don't have a preference then one pony is typically red western and the other is blue western.  I do not charge for this service – but can’t guarantee I can match exactly.  I’ll do my best!  I have different colors for Princess Décor, Unicorn Horns, Flowers for their Manes and Bandanas for their necks, etc.  Just let me know the colors.  ***IF YOU HAVE COWBOY HATS FOR YOUR GUESTS – PLEASE MAKE SURE THEY HAVE STRINGS THAT TIE THE HATS UNDER THE KIDS CHINS.  OTHERWISE I CAN NOT ALLOW THE KIDS TO WEAR THEM DURING THE RIDE AS THEY MAY FLY OFF THEIR HEAD AND IT WILL SCARE THE PONIES !!***  ****PONIES DO NOT WORK AT NIGHT!!!

5.  FOR THE ZOO:  PLEASE DO NOT WATER THE LAWN FOR AT LEAST ONE TO TWO DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT!!!  IT MAKES IT VERY SOGGY/WET TO HAVE ALL THE FOOT TRAFFIC WITH THE ANIMALS ON IT!!!  I bring the fencing (approx. 12x14), umbrella shade if needed, and hand sanitizer for the zoo. I typically put the zoo directly on your grass. They will nibble on it and fertilize it and we have an attendant in the zoo at all times cleaning up their droppings.  Since there are many types of grass I can’t guarantee the shape of your grass after we leave.  Typically it just looks like it was mowed, but some grasses they eat more of and some they don’t.  Also, if the ground is very soft or overwatered the PIG MAY ROOT or DIG UP HOLES!  If this is an issue for you then you should have us on Cement.  I can bring a tarp but NOTE THAT THERE IS AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF $25 TO BRING THE TARP. I don't bring it unless it's been requested prior to the event.  IT'S DIFFICULT TO PUT THE ZOO DIRECTLY ON ARTIFICIAL TURF.  If you have artificial turf please consider putting the zoo on cement.  The tarp slides and slips too easily on the fake grass. **If you have dogs regularly in the area that the zoo or ponies will be, please make sure all their feces are cleaned up.**

6.  FOR THE ZOO:  We do not allow feeding or picking up the animals - for the safety of everyone. They may accidentally nibble on fingers if being fed, or knock kids down trying to get food. It makes for a very calm and relaxed zoo if they aren't worried about food. They are happy to nibble on the grass. I don't allow picking up as most of the animals have sharp toenails which can scratch children and I don't want any animals getting dropped. I do bring brushes so the guests can brush the animals – they love this!  Note: Goats & Rabbits may nibble/chew on clothing etc. - we will not be responsible for damage to clothing etc!!!***  All guests must wear shoes in the zoo – preferably closed toe shoes.

7. CANCELLATION POLICY: Deposits are non-refundable regardless of if a contract has been sent or not. If cancellation is received 48 hours before the event, client can reschedule for another date, if available, otherwise the deposit is forfeited. If rescheduled, it needs to be within 6 months from canceled date or it is forfeited. IF I SHOW UP TO YOUR EVENT AND AM SENT HOME FOR ANY REASON – THE FULL AMOUNT IS STILL DUE!!! 

8.  RAIN POLICY: I give you approximately 4 hours prior to the event to keep or cancel the animals. If animals are ordered and we show up but cannot complete due to rain or visits get cut short due to rain, the full amount is still due. If cancelled, I can try to find another available date and transfer the deposit otherwise deposit is forfeited.  I’m happy to bring an EZ up shelter that is 13x13 to fit the zoo under but I do not have a shelter for the ponies.  The bigger pony will walk in sprinkle or drizzle but the small white pony will not walk in any precipitation/drizzle/sprinkle/rain, etc.  If it starts raining then the ponies are put away.  I can also bring the ponies into a covered area or garage and let the guests brush them during rainy times in lieu of riding.

9.  PERMITS:  CLIENT/CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS and/or APPROVALS REQUIRED BY THE CITY/PARK/COUNTY/HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION, ETC.  This includes Parks and all public areas. (not including your residence).  It is not my responsibility to call the city, county, or whoever is in charge of the Park or public area.  I may have done lots of parties at the area but that does not mean that I have knowledge of it being allowed at that public area or Park.  Many clients have me at their neighborhood park without calling the manager of that park.  Typically there is not an issue but if management, etc. shows up and shuts me down because it's not allowed, the full amount is still due and you are responsible for any fines that may be charged.

Call for questions or booking today!


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